Wednesday, May 22, 2019

It all begins with Pride

Whenever one gets to hear the word Pride/ being proud, the instant thought is of an ostentatious,
smug and conceit acting person. People frown upon this, alluding to their Christian
teachings; one shall not be proud but instead be humble for humility comes with wisdom Proverbs 11:2.
This teaching has been embedded in people, such that a more positive connotation on the word ‘Pride’
has been overlooked. Pride that will certainly not lead to an individual’s downfall instead, marks the
beginning of ones journey to self-actualisation. This article serves to identify and elaborate on the
positivity of pride, Gay Pride specifically and its significance in the lives of people who identify as
What is Pride
A general definition of the term Pride will outline it as a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction
derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated
or from possessions that are widely admired (Steinvorth & Ulrich, 2016). This tends to propagate
positive behaviours such as creativity, performance attainment and invoke a sense of pleasure.
On the contrary, a definition derived from Christian theology denotes pride as being the result of
high self-esteem, and thus high self-esteem has always been viewed as the primary human problem
(OED Online, 2014). The pride relative to this discussion certainly does not lead to egotism. In fact,
it is a unique, satisfactory, tolerable and indispensable type of pride. It describes confidence and
self-respect as expressed by members of a group. This is the pride that comes with being human and
being conscious and aware of one’s sexual orientation, gender and sexual identity. A day specific to
minority groups who have faced so much oppression, discrimination and judgement for who they are,
such that they need to celebrate their achievements.
My personal definition of this pride is simply ‘Freedom’. Freedom to be one’s self. Freedom to be and
live the way I was meant to. Identifying as a member of the lgbtiq+ community comes with daunting
challenges such as discrimination, social exclusion, harassment; especially in the form of derogatory
statements (labelling). Typically a person who identifies as lgbtiq+ and has ‘come out’ as being so/ is
visibly identifiable as being so, has faced some sort of stigma and discrimination from society at some
point in their lives. As opined by Singh & Durso in 2017, 1 in 4 LGBTIQ+ people reported to have
faced discrimination in 2016. Therefore, Pride tends to give one a break from such, infact this day
applauds each and every individual therefore re-assuring them that they are appreciated and they are
doing a good job at being themselves. After-all, we all need a regular pat on the back to say, go out
there, be the best that you can and most importantly be yourself regardless of whatever.
The LGBTIQ+ individual;
One of the fiercest strong willed individuals to have graced this planet. These are the people who take
it all in, the people at the helm of the axis oppression. The people who have been persecuted and
be-littled all because they wanted to love another of the same sex. People who identify as lesbian,
bisexual, gay, transgender and intersex are those who do not conform to society’s norms or expectations
of sexual orientations.
Significance of pride
Pride is a very colourful, (gaudy as some may allude) event where people who identify as lgbtiq+ join
together to revel their victories over the discrimination, transphobia and biphobia (amongst others) that
they face on a daily basis. It is a day marked with color, jubilance, triumphant melodies and chanting
as people march through the streets and showcase their pride for being who they are. It is a public
proclamation to everyone; we are who we are, and nothing is going to change us. A few notable points
on the importance of pride include;
Unity and strength
Part of being lgbtiq+ means that one becomes socially isolated and excluded because he or she does
not lead a lifestyle which is termed ‘normal’. But in all sense, what is normality. Isn’t normality
supposed to encompass ‘being who you are as a human (Individuality)’?(Discussion for another day).
This misconception alone tends to result in lgbtiq+ individuals feeling isolated from social circles and
feeling alone and vulnerable. During the Pride gathering, an lgbtiq+ individual is apt to witness a
sense of affiliation, acceptance and association with others. Correspondingly, pride gives individuals a
sense of unity and strength as there is movement in numbers, each stride bearing meaning; people
parading with a sole purpose, to be heard. According to the Fassinger (1996) and Cass (1979) identity
models of self-identification, an lgbtiq+ person goes through a number of phases of self-identification
until finally he or she accepts who they are. After overcoming such they become proud of themselves.
The essence of pride comes forth in this avenue as this parade allows lgbtiq+ individuals who have
been battling with their inner self to discover that they are not alone. Cohesively, as elaborated by the
famous adage, with unity comes strength.
A Platform to raise awareness
Social awareness about lgbtiq+ issues will continue to serve as a paramount activity in the plight to
end discrimination and ensure egalitarianism is fully adopted by society. Raising awareness is an
everyday activity tasked upon each lgbtiq+ individual, I believe. Similarly, advocacy on lgbtiq+ issues
is everyone’s duty, regardless of one’s sexual orientation. Pride tends to amplify the scope and reach
of the awareness mandate. It has the ability to reach masses, and people all around. The mere concept
of being a vibrant and colourful event tends to grab the attention of people’s eyes and change their
perceptions. The vibrant dress-codes, rainbow flags and paraphernalia denote a peaceful environment
to people as bright and vibrant colors are associated with fun, laughter and joy. According to
Vazquez et al in 2009, human visual attention is for an important part bottom-up driven by the saliency
of image details. An image detail appears salient when one or more of its low level features
(e.g size, shape, luminance, color, texture, binocular disparity, or motion) differs significantly
from its variation in the background. Equally efficient are the sensitization placards which have
messages on them which are carried by participants. .
An opportunity to show support
Support does not only come from other lgbtiq+ members but the relatives of lgbtiq+ individuals,
peers as well as organizations and companies as well. Support to the lgbtiq+ community is vital in
showing that the society is united. Support can come in the form of gracing the event, partaking in
the march or parade and setting up a stall.
All roads lead to Pride
As pride month draws closer, try and remember what it means to you and as an individual
identifying as lgbtiq+ person or as a friend/colleague/ colleague to an lgbtiq+ person. Remind
yourself the role you have to play in advocacy. Therefore, this pride month, I implore you to
invite all your peers, relatives and colleagues to a day filled with fun, color and joy. Put on that yellow
shirt you have been dreading to wear because it is just too bright, match it up with those pink shorts
and those red sneakers, grab yourself a rainbow flag and make your way to the streets. I promise you,
it will be the best thing you have done for yourself in a long while. It all begins with being Proud of
one’s self.

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